Yes, sir.

One thing that's always annoyed me about myself is the bad habit I was born with to take everyone around me seriously. I suppose it's a type of gullibility, but it's the worst kind. If I'm not careful, I will take to heart just about anything anyone of note says--like it's truth!
For example (there will be a couple of these): as a Mormon, I grew up being taught that sex is a serious sin and should not be done--unless you're married, of course, but that's typically not mentioned in the lessons, or it's a minor detail. So, in my young mind, I've always believed that those who had sex were bad. Women were whores and men were animals. But recently, as most of you know, I looked marriage right in the mouth before turning away from it. Looking marriage in the mouth is the same as looking sex in the mouth for me, since it's kind of cause and effect in this church. I couldn't do it, though. I would have thought poorly of myself the entire rest of my life had I gone through with it. I would have been a disgusting whore, worth nothing more than a couple of babies.
But, see, I adopted this attitude because I never heard anything else as a kid. I never heard that sex is a good thing when it comes to building families and becoming a mother. No, no one ever emphasized that. So, I had it in my mind that sex is absolutely wrong.
Another example: I was just listening to an interview of a very influential figure who suggested that people ought to stop having children, since there are too many people in this world. Immediately--as the mindless drone I am--I was nodding my head in agreement. Yeah, he's totally right because that's not the reason why we're on this earth at all. No, we're here for love and sunshine and good days. And lollipops. Yeah.
Yet, somehow I'm always doing this. Everything I absorb is almost immediately set in the 'Fact' file of my brain unless I filter it immediately. I don't understand why I do this. I suppose a lot of people do this, seeing as I observe countless mindless drones every day. I just notice it in my brain and it pisses me off.


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