My roommate--who I've known about three weeks, now--just came in to my room bawling because of something she found out about her recent ex. Obviously, the wound is still pretty fresh (even though she had thought it had healed for the most part). This girl is such a sweet girl. It breaks my heart to see her treated the way she's been treated. It's sickening, really. It made me realize how closely related love is to war--the constant battle to keep one's heart intact. As a result, I wrote this little something:

Tears seep from between your fingers
Innocent bloodshed in this war
That is love
The weathered veteran is here
To tell the green recruit
That peace does not belong within you
Unless you’ve earned your own
What is peace? Does it exist?
Some say it’s a myth—myself,
I do not know
This veteran cannot tell you whether
Is a myth or fact
The battlefield remains a mystery to all
As battered eyes survey the area
This is war
This is war
This Is War.

So, smear on some war paint and let out a piercing battle cry to the moon and say 'NO' to broken hearts. Because broken hearts are worse than drugs. Not saying you should do drugs. I'm going to bed.


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