Imagine all the people...

I watched part of John Lennon documentary tonight, and it got me thinking. It made me glad and grateful for the world I live in today. At least, it made me grateful that I don't live in a society where art and peace is not the answer. Because art is what impacts us most, whether it be visual media or music. Art is power, really, and John Lennon proved that to us.
It does seem like we're fighting a different war these days, though (no, not the one in Iraq--that's not the one I'm referring to). It seems like we have a war that's on more of an individual, mental level. Media is given to us conveniently and continuously, which makes us turn to ourselves--our television, our cell, our console, our whatever--for entertainment. This makes us more lonely. We wonder what we've done wrong to deserve this seclusion; but in truth, we've secluded ourselves. This war inside us is self-inflicted.
So, what types of casualties come out of this war: hatred for ourselves, but also for others; depression, and often suicide; fake friends and fake wars; a complete society of plastic; a society of head-turners and interest-based politicians. We can't trust each other because we don't know each other. We are alone in a world full of 6 billion other alone people.
How do we fight this? How do we avoid being one of these casualties? Love. We learned of peace back in the '60s and '70s, but it's time for our generation--our world--to learn of love. Get to know those around you. Smile at a stranger. Don't make conversation always about romance--make it about friendship. Make your life about pure, genuine friendship. Help people who need it. Do the best you can to radiate love from your heart to those around you, so that they will do the same.


  1. Amen, sistah! I think that one of the best things to do for depression or loneliness is to unplug for a while.


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