shine, shine, shine.

So, half out of boredom, half out of curiosity, I began to read the Book of Mormon once more. The beautiful thing about that book is that you always learn something different--something that applies to your present--every time you read it. Lately, my studies and mind have been focused on love and the properties thereof (how does it work, why does it exist, is it possible to fall in love, etc.), and I found a scripture in 1 Nephi that woke me up a little bit. It's in chapter 11, where Nephi is asking an angel what Lehi's vision means. The angel asks if Nephi understands what the tree of life represents, and Nephi replies, "Yea, it is the love of God, which sheddeth itself abroad in the hearts of the children of men..." For the first time, I made the connection that life = love and death = hate. Think about that. Think about what happens in this world and where life and death, love and hate are in it. It's amazing.
Another thought: I was reading an article about Taylor Swift in my latest InStyle today and was impressed by how down to earth she is. She has smart priorities: family and friends. Her fans listen to her music and hear that love she has for those close to her. Like a ripple affect, her fans likewise go out and show love to those closest to them. There ought to be more celebrities who do this: instead of pushing against the wrong things, embrace the right things.
If we could learn to love unconditionally, we would all live in happiness and enjoyment. This world wouldn't be perfect, but it would be better. It would be brighter, more beautiful.


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