
I've found that people tend to lose focus on the big picture when they feel their morals are being compromised. An example (which stands for pretty much my entire life): I slip one curse word into a message of frustration--I'm frustrated that life has been unfair to me, so therefore, they're all bitches. Did you get that full message? No. Why? You were staring at the word 'bitches' too long to let the other words sink in.
So, then, what if I wrote something like this: Life's a bitch. It's time to put my head in a noose and say bye-bye.
Still staring at that damn 'bitch'? Here's a message for you: learn to read like a normal person. Maybe, when I'm feeling down, I tend to cuss a bit more--especially when I'm mad. So, that might be a good time to NOT lecture me about my language. Unless, that is, you want to see some fireworks go off in your face.
Learn this: people like me don't need judgmental, jerk-off people like you telling me when I'm saying or doing something you don't like. If you don't like it, look the other freaking way. Because I'm not listening. And I'm NOT interested in YOUR opinion.


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