Let me take a little more off your mind.

Today, while sitting at FHE, I got to thinking about how crazy the society is that I live in (that is, the society of BYU-Idaho single students). There truly is the predator and the prey in said society. The deciding factor on which of these things you are doesn't depend on your gender, though, it depends on your personality--or even the situation you're in.
For instance, girls like my sister Katrina are generally prey. This is the dating-neutral girl who is spiritual, tidy, well-dressed, funny, and attractive. Same goes for guys with the same traits--if you don't care, you're prey because people want what they can't have...and if you're not just giving it away, then they're going to go for it. Anyway. But then Katrina met a man she is very interested in--Hans. Katrina then became the predator: she sought what she wanted actively.
I am generally a predator--like most girls here at BYU-Idaho. Most girls won't admit they're a predator, though. They're wolves in knee-length sheep's clothing. But me, I'm loud and proud about it. I want a boyfriend, it's true. I'm not going to hide that fact to make men feel less hunted. I want men to feel hunted. Why? Because I love the chase. I enjoy having to work for it: following cues, wearing eye-catching clothing, acting disinterested before shamelessly asking for a phone number. And it goes on and on and on.
I have to admit, the dating scene can seem pretty pathetic at times; but the politics are always interesting to sit back and study. Watch the people around you every once in a while: watch their body language, observe their flirting tactics. People are interesting...annoyingly interesting.


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