Lonely time.

Imagine, if you would, that you're on a roller coaster. You've just boarded the ride; and, if you're anything like me, you're a little anxious. You're not sure how this ride will be--you're not sure if you'll enjoy it. You've enjoyed other roller coasters in the past, so you reckon you'll like this one as well...but all coasters are a little different.
Suddenly, your cart begins moving. You're no longer able to make the decision to leave the cart; so you sit there and clutch the handles, hoping that choosing to ride this ride was a wise decision. The wind tickles your cheeks a little and you become a little giddy as you sail through open air toward the rest of the ride. You're still scared, but you're distracted--thank goodness.
But then the click-click-click of the uphill ascent steadily begins ringing in your ears. You begin to panic a little. Is this really what I wanted to do? Can I handle a ride this intense? Why did I choose this ride and not any of the others? You look out at the blue sky and find a little comfort; but, upon looking back at the rails, find that you are insecure in your position. What if they break and destroy or badly harm me? What if this ride doesn't last as long as I would like it to? Can I handle that?
The click-click-clicks end and suddenly you can see the entire ride all laid out: you see every mechanical hill, turn, and loop. Now that you know what to expect, you're a little happier, but still very nervous. You are now caught in a tiny limbo during which you have one question: when do I begin enjoying this? And then, you hurtle down the first steep hill, and you find yourself caught up in the moment. Your hands are waving free above your head, you're screaming with glee, and the corners of mouth are upturned in a permanent smile. You enjoy the feeling of vertigo rising in your stomach as you plummet toward the ground. You no longer question the security of the ride, since you're riding it and it's not breaking. All you know is the rush of wind in your ears and the laughter of enjoyment around you. Your hair is flying free, and it feels so good.
There are, of course, ups and downs to this roller coaster--it wouldn't be a roller coaster if it constantly went up or just straight. There are turns that nearly give you whip lash, but also turns that are so gentle that you feel your body moving with them as if you knew they were coming. There are times when the sun is shining brightly on your face; but there are other times when you're buried in darkness (through a tunnel) and all your eyes can do is wander around aimlessly, seeking the light they lack. There are parts of the ride that you're slightly disappointed in, but others you think are pure genius.
Before you know it, the ride's over and you're being told to get out. Did you enjoy it? Was it a good ride? Would you ever come back for more, or would you rather move on to other rides? And, lastly, are you getting my drift?


  1. That is a brilliant metaphor. I must see you when I'm in Rexburg this summer!

  2. So, because I've written a brilliant metaphor, you must see me? I'll take it! I'm pretty stoked to party with you again, Brooke!

  3. Well, it's not the exact cause-and-effect, but I do miss witnessing your brilliance in person!

  4. Well, I call it retarded, but I'll take brilliance ;)


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