I don't want to make the same mistake.

Way back before I broke up with Robert, I would often wake up feeling like something needed to be done or I needed to give something some thought, but I could never pinpoint the something. I haven't had that feeling since I broke up with him...until today, that is.
I've been wandering around my apartment all day seeking nothing but the solace of quiet and alone time. It's been one of those days where I don't feel quite right in my skin, so I get easily set off by trivial things. I kind of have a headache from trying to figure out what's wrong with me. Maybe it's just PMS. I suppose it's possible. I don't know. I do know that I currently have a vast amount of confusion, anger, fatigue, and self-loathing running through me right now.
I feel like I need to go to sleep and stay asleep for days.

That's all.


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