Baby, is this love for real?

Every now and then, I turn on the album This Is War, turn out the lights, close my eyes, and just weep as I listen. It's not that this album is sad, nor is it sad for me; it's more like the music plucks a deep emotional string in me that tingles until I release through tears. It's hard to explain how the album makes me feel--no other musician or album does that to me--but I do know that I always come out of the experience feeling refreshed and ready to take on the world...once I wipe my eyes.
I'm not sure that I'll ever understand how deeply music impacts me and the way I live my life. It helps form my opinions, makes me actually interested in politics, forces me to look within me and decide who I am and what I represent. Music makes me happy when I'm gloomy or pissed. Music makes me thoughtful when I'm bouncing off the walls. Music makes me spiritual when I'm normally not.
I suppose this is why I'm going into music journalism: I'd like to try to share with the world a piece of what I feel when I listen to music. I want people to understand the experience music can be to some. My deepest fear going into this business is my inability to fully communicate my thoughts with words. Because a lot of my thoughts are just feelings--indescribable feelings.
All I really know in this world is that I'll always be the one in the back of a concert bawling her eyes out because of emotional overload. Don't look at me like I'm dramatic, just realize that I'm passionate. And passion is life.


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