Wish I was...

I'm thinking it's a two-blog day. I wanted to talk about how odd this semester has been for me, thus far. First off, I'm the oldest in my little group of "friends" (Katrina's and my roommates). It's so weird for me to suddenly realize that I'm 23 and the rest of the girls around me are 19 and 20--they still smell of high school. I feel a little like the mother hen, which is exactly the opposite of how I want to feel at this point in my life.
Another thing that makes me feel like the mother hen: looking out for my roommates. One recently went through her first break-up and the other is engaged. Both are 19. Sigh. I've blogged about the time I helped the one, but I haven't mentioned the other. My engaged roommate asks me every now and then the things I did while I was engaged (she knew me when I was engaged). Sometimes it's for advice, other times it's just to share a funny story. Both ways, I feel kind of weird talking about marriage with a 19 year old. I guess that's just me.

Another weird feeling for me this semester: I am truly happy to be single and alone right now. Sure, I would gladly take a boyfriend if he presented himself (and have no shame in flirting, ask Katrina--she knows); but for the time being, I feel nice not being in a relationship. This is weird for me because it seems like ever since I hit puberty, it's always been boys, boys, boys. Right now, I'm happy figuring myself out and learning more about the world around me. It's also nice to have a sister out here who can enjoy things with me, rather than my having to be alone for everything--like my first four years of college.

Not sure why I wrote all this out. I guess I just wanted to organize it out in my head. There you go.


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