Back & Well-Rested


I’m finally back from my crazy month of travel and adventures! What a month!

At the beginning of the month, we went down to Salt Lake to do some work before the bigger traveling. Salt Lake is a fun place for us because it’s where most of our friends are. Even though we stayed fairly busy with work, we still managed to have a bit of fun with those we hold dear: long nights gabbing in the shop, giggly smoke breaks, and a movie. If you haven’t seen the movie Us, yet, and enjoy horror; go and enjoy the suspense. This movie had us thinking and talking for a couple of hours after watching it due to its various plot twists. It also had many disarming humorous moments that aren’t quite typical of horror movies.

We had less than a week at home before flying out to southern Missouri, which is where I grew up and where most of my family still lives. This part of the month was similar to the beginning: exciting and exhausting, all at once. My little sister got married (woohoo! Congrats!!); and we spent a lot of time at home just doing what we do best: playing games together, watching kid shows and movies with my niece, enjoying the sunshine and Missouri spring warmth by going on walks, throwing the frisbee around, and having a barbeque. There’s something about being back home, even for a short amount of time, that recharges my soul’s batteries and helps me feel more myself, again. I feel like I can express myself more openly because I’m with people who know me almost too well and who love me no matter what (the feeling is mutual, obvs). The humid southern air revitalizes my skin and hangs, enchanting, above the ground as suspended dew in the mornings. The nights are filled with the sounds of country nightlife: bugs, frogs, and wild dogs. To say the least, I had a hard time tearing myself from my childhood home to drive back to my now home.

One thing we did for fun away from the house was the new Avengers movie! I admit, I sobbed through most of it. I won’t spoil anything, here; I’ll just say that this movie really punches the feels in the throat a few times.

I also had the honor of taking one of the family vehicles off my sister’s hands and driving it back home! I view this as an honor because this particular vehicle has changed hands among my family more than any other vehicle. Now, I finally have a chance to call it mine for a while; and, while driving it, I can enjoy the energy of my sweet family from over the years.

Now that I’m back to my usual routine, I intend to publish ever Monday, again. I hope you enjoyed my sort of journal entry about my April wanderings, and I’ll see you all next week!


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