This one's for the, I mean.

Lately, I've been feeling a certain way, and I need to clear things up. And this is a traditional female argument, but I have to address it because I, as a female, have been facing it.
There has to be a happy medium between making a girl feel so sexy it's hard to keep your hands off of her and completely ignoring a girl for the sake of ignoring her. I felt both of these extremes recently, and both of them have offended me. I know I'm attractive: I've got a good facial structure, skinny, alright dresser. But that doesn't mean I need to be reminded of it all the time. It's a problem when all I can think about when I'm in your company is the worry that you're some sexual predator or something, with the way you're looking at me. It's frustrating to wonder if I seem like just a walking, talking blow up doll in some mens' eyes: the only purpose I have in life is sexual disgustingness sought by a selfish bastard.
Now, this may start to sound a bit whiny, but bear with me.
I think. I think a lot. I may think differently and feel differently than most, but I do think and feel. And I won't deny that I'm a sexual creature because I am. Everyone is to some extent. That's not my problem. My problem is that sometimes I'm treated (or can feel the thought waves and prying eyes) like that's my sole purpose. It's not. That's a side bonus to life, but it's not life. Your dick shouldn't be a constant concern weighing down the front of your mind.
But then, there's the other extreme: the "she doesn't exist" extreme. Men who are polite in my company and act interested in what I say, but won't do anything as far as romance goes because they're "not interested". This is frustrating because I've actually got a guy's attention, but he won't acknowledge any form of sexuality in me. It's the mentality of, "She's not girlfriend material; she's just fun to hang out with." Give me a break. What's your problem? Do I have too much body fat for your taste? I'm sorry that I'm actually healthy; I like taking care of my body. But I guess you can be stuck with bone bag with low self confidence after bone bag with low self confidence if you choose. But if you ever want a real woman, she's right here, waiting for you to grow a pair and do something about it.
All I'm saying is that I'm looking for a man who's willing to have the gall to make my feel sexy while still helping me know that it's what's in my brain that really counts. Because that is what really counts. Because looks fade over time; and what will you have after that? A saggy, air-brained, bitchy wife who you can't bear being in the same room with. Think about it, men.
But you won't because you're still thinking about and with your penis.


  1. Stupid boys and their stupid boy penises.

  2. I understand what you are saying here, and I do understand you might just be venting (please don't be offended, I don't mean this to be offensive in anyway, and I obviously do not know the situation.) But as a man that has actually delt with this issue many times in the past. I can tell you that sometimes when a man isn't interested, they legitimately are not interested. It doesn't have anything to do with your physical appearance or sex appeal (of course this isn't always the case, some men really are just walking penis's). The lack of education and desire to understand the human body and mind that a large part the males of our generation and younger have developed puts a large strain on the views woman can have towards men. Dating and sex are two things that have not been a big part of my life, but if there so happens to be someone that interests me, I will have no problems saying anything (though my mother always has something to say about the fact that I'm still single) I have just recently had to explain to a friend who had an attraction towards me that I wasn't interested, not due to physical appearance, but I didn't not feel that type of connection with her. I'm not one to flirt, and most of the time I actually don't know if some one is flirting with me (a fault of my own) but it really isn't on the front of my mind. When I first meet a person, I really am interested in that person (I wont lie, I am male and I do admire beauty, but my idea on beauty can be heavily influenced on personality). The off chance when I do flirt with a woman, they either get upset that I am not willing to try to bring it further, or they act like I am a creep and just want to get them into bed. I has happened way to much for my taste and I decided that it wasn't worth the battle. Either I am a creep or I'm a superficial creep. A loose loose situation. I guess what I'm really getting at here, is that we aren't all on one extreme or the other, some of us really do think these things through, and after a few failed relationships, I understand somethings that I need to look for (maturity definitely being one of them). And some of us really can be hurt by the assumption that we are just a "stupid boy with a stupid boy penis" or that we are so superficial that we aren't interested in a particular woman due to her physical appearance.

    "But if you ever want a real woman, she's right here, waiting for you to grow a pair and do something about it."
    I found this comment ironic, due to the fact that I have always been placed into the "friend" position. The guy who is not like other guys, but isn't the type of guy they want to date.

    That was supposed to be a lot shorter... sorry... I hope you are able to understand what I'm saying in this big jumble :-)

  3. Ironic is definitely not the correct word... Humorous maybe? hmmm...

  4. I get what you're saying, and I know that men can't all be put in one category or the other. We're all different shades of grey--I acknowledge that. Sometimes I get a bit frustrated, though, when I feel like I'm being looked at only with a man's penis in mind. I feel gross when I notice it--dirty, and not in a good way. This blog was about my needing to let men know that I'm more than a talking head...and body. I'm a person just like they are, and I need to be regarded as such.

  5. I agree, you do need to be regarded as a person and not an object. I get disgusted with seeing men of all ages acting like they don't actually have a brain. They act more ferral than human. Their act tends to give women a bad idea towards all men in general and it hurts the ones that are actual people. Ive delt with it for a while now, and the negative feelings can be hurtful at times.

    You're obviously pretty intelligent. You will find some one that treats you how you want to be treated.

    I'm Bradley. I found your blog link on Myyearbook, and so far I enjoy your writing. :-)


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