The Victim.

I have found through personal observation that some people make it their purpose in life to become the ultimate victim. What do I mean by this?  These people rely on others to make them happy--but they're never totally happy. The Victim is never happy--never satisfied. These people will usually go out of their ways to make others feel bad for them. They'll use those people and feed off of the pity they're giving off. Yes, feed. Like all living organisms, the Victim only survives if it has something to nourish it continually. Pity is the thing they crave the most. Pity.
How do I know these people? They surround me. They're pathetic. The Victim finds its importance by the amount of pity it harvests. The Victim is also extremely selfish, naturally. They never think of those they're affecting: whether it be the old and tired or the young and fed up. They just continue to gripe and use and milk and wallow until those surrounding them are either dead or have given up on them.
What do the victims need to do? SUCK IT UP. We all lead crappy lives from time to time. It's just that some of us don't complain about it. We look at the good things around us and focus on that while we're having a tough time. If it hurts, we help it, then let it go. We don't let our minds obsess over hurting and losing, we set our minds on our loved ones, our health, our knowledge. We don't try to manipulate through pity. We accomplish things through love--we do things for each other for love, not guilt.
So, VICTIMS, do as The Beatles said and let it be. Take it easy. Find something else to worry about before the people around you end up resenting you.


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