
In General Conference this past weekend, one of the general authorities said that the divorce rate is up as well as the use of technology. In the talk, those two facts weren't related; but in my mind, I related them.
After he stated that divorce rates were up, I got to thinking why they would be. We're still people with the same human nature and willingness to love. We aren't more hard than our ancestors, just different--we have different things surrounding us and different jobs to be employed with.
My theory on this change is that we're used to contacting each other through text or facebook. We aren't used to talking to each other face to face; in fact, we're uncomfortable with it. I know this because I experience this discomfort, myself.
So, I've made it a personal goal to face that discomfort--step out of that comfort zone--and talk almost exclusively face to face with friends, family, and possible boyfriends. This way, I feel the relationships will be more meaningful and will last a little longer than a friend request.


  1. single serving friends... iam jacks fear of eye contact.

  2. Um...what? I think I kind of understand what you're saying...but not really.

  3. lol im guessing you havent seen fight club.

  4. I saw half of it and wasn't paying attention while I watched that I guess that's a no.


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