Hey, Soul Sister

I have a sister who is 4.5 years younger than I am, who has been my best friend for...pretty much our entire lives. She's finally out here in college with me, and it's nice. I have a friend who understands and accepts me for my grumpy self, once more. I feel fortunate to have someone who I can go to and spill my feelings and not be afraid of being judged in some way. Her name is Katrina and she is beautiful.
Kat and I are the two oldest in our family. The next one down is 10 years younger, so I've never really been able to relate. Katrina and I have always been each others' dress-up buddy, experimental companion (shampoo and various kitchen spices!), soapy-water-skating partner, and hot-dog-bun-stealing partner in crime. We had a lot of fun as kids and found many adventures and friends to enjoy. When we moved to Missouri, we remained friends through my teenage years, though not so much. I was a big angst ball during those years.
And then, I went to college 5 states away. We lost contact. Our friendship died down as she found others to enjoy and play with. It was disappointing for me, but I knew that this is how life works.
When she got close to graduating high school, she started thinking about going to BYU Provo...which is lame. I had been looking forward to enjoying at least one year of college with her. She did eventually decide on going to BYU-Idaho with me. I was pretty excited when I knew she was coming out. We didn't really know each other anymore, at that point.
But then she came out and something I didn't expect happened: instead of just being my friend, she became my teacher. She's taught me patience, love, a little bit of enduring, a lot more patience, but most of all love. She's so wonderful, and I'm grateful I was blessed with such an awesome sister. I guess this blog is just a shout out to all those awesome sisters out there.

"Here's Katrina and Virginia hanging out at the MC, checking out dudes. 'Hey, Kat and Dinny, aren't you going to go to class?' 'Class? No way, man. Those ruin your GPA.'"


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