That guy.

So, there's this guy. This guy I dated at one point, but it only lasted for a small amount of time due to his doubt. As usual with my ex's, I spent some time hating him and verbally abusing him behind his back (and some to his face). I still have spells in which I just sit and hate on him. Through this whole process that I've gone through with him, I've found that there truly is a thin line between bright, burning, passionate love and fierce, dark, passionate hate. It's a frustrating line to walk down, seeing as I never am able to walk a straight line: I stumble onto one side or the other, depending on the breeze or my balance that particular day.
I see him every now and then, and I have a hard time not staring. Sometimes, I find myself thinking about him completely randomly. I miss how he is and who he is and how he affected my life. Seeing him always brings these facts back into sharp and obvious relief. It's true, I'm easy to read. He can probably see right through my emotions. I hope he won't see right through this blog.
All I know is that I'm ready to chase him again; but I don't know if it's worth it if I trip and fall and get hurt...again. I'm always saying that these things are worth it. But it's so much easier to say it than to do it. It's also a lot more complicated of a situation than I would like for it to be. PEANUT GALLERY: please, please tell me your response. I want to hear advice, comments, criticism, anything. I'm really interested in him...but should I really go for it, or should I move on?


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