The safe word.

I've had many adventures with men--many fun, many disappointing, many scarring, many shaming. One thing that men say after I object after said adventures--and it's always the same, always the same word meshed in with a bunch of garbage--is respect. As if me hearing the word 'respect' in the midst of their lame excuse as to why they're not good enough for me and we're parting ways will make me change my mind about everything.
Oh, he respects me. That makes me feel much better. There's respect involved, now; I think I'll spend a bit more time with this guy. Because it's not like he's going to turn around and do the exact same thing over and over again until he wears me down enough to realize that I can take it. Yeah, that's a really healthy relationship. Healthy.
Respect. What does that even mean? Let's visit the dictionary: to hold in esteem or honor; to show regard or consideration for. Let's see. Do I feel like I'm being honored? Is he showing consideration for me?
That's a laugh.
But he respects that I've made certain decisions in my life. He respects that I enjoy being single and that I plan on making something of myself in the future. He respects that I don't enjoy being felt up by a near stranger. Yes, that's precious--that's so cute! I think I'll believe him this time. This guy seems to really believe what he's saying--he hasn't said it to every damn girl he's ever been involved with. Nope, I'm the first one he's decided that he respects.
What's wrong with men these days? Who the hell do they think they are?


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