I can turn the grey sky blue

A couple thoughts for tonight. First thought: I realized tonight just how moronic we Americans are as a people. Think about it: to celebrate the anniversary of winning our independence, we eat hot dogs and hamburgers all day; play with flashy, shiny explosives; and then end the day staring up at the night sky watching bigger flashy, shiny explosives while listening to horribly cheesy music about how great this stupid country is. And every American finds all this great! Hell, I find it great. But what I wonder is why we can't have cooler ways to celebrate. I mean, doesn't Mexico celebrate their national independence by getting drunk and partying for a few days? How about that, people? Doesn't that sound better than hot dogs and fireworks?

Anyway, second thought: my ideas on how dating should go. Here we go. So, I pretty much live off of theories from a couple of different movies: He's Just Not That Into You and Eat Pray Love. Both are considered chick flicks, but they really aren't. And if you have watched them, you understand why I say so. Tonight, I'm addressing a theory in He's Just Not That Into You: the If A Man Is Interested, He Will Make It Happen idea.
I believe that this idea has a resounding truth to it, and so I've decided to bank completely on it. I've decided to enjoy the scenery; but if a guy wants to get involved with me, he'll have to make it happen. If he doesn't feel that I'm worth his time, then he can keep moving on. I think the reason I've decided on practicing this idea is obvious: I'm tired of feeling led on by a guy or investing too much emotion into something that's never going to happen in the first place. No, if they want my attention, they'll come to me. Otherwise, they can keep to themselves and I'll keep to myself. I believe that this will prove to bring peace and happiness into my love life rather than drama and angst. I'm sick of drama and angst. I'm over it.


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