Hello. How are you?

I made an amazing realization just now while listening to Gilbert O'Sullivan's Alone Again Naturally. I realized that God is always there--He's always in and around us. So, this whole belief system is based on whether we, as individuals, embrace the presence of God. We either acknowledge Him or we don't, there isn't a grey area.
I can't believe it took me so long to realize this; but now I realize what all my teachers in Sunday school were talking about as I was growing up. It's not about distancing yourself as in actual distance--it's your mind. You always have open hands; and when God sets Himself in your outstretched hands, it's your choice to either grasp Him or drop Him.
Looking at it this way, I feel like my religion isn't too much different than other religions around the world (I have been thinking that we're all incredibly different). For everyone in this world, it's about either embracing the higher power you believe in or forgetting it.


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