le Sigh

I finally got a job. Consequently, I am horribly and completely depressed. Yes, it is that bad of a job. I start tomorrow, and I'm horrified at going. The only thing that's really driving me, here, is the chance of being able to eat over the 7-week break, and possibly even paying for some fun on my birthday.

These facts will mostly NOT keep me from crying into my pillow tonight.

I do have a chance at a better job, though (better as in more fun--I don't know what the pay is, yet). I don't know if I have the job, yet, though. I interview for it on Thursday. And I start this crap-ass job tomorrow. Perhaps I'll only have to hate life one week this summer? With my luck, this other job will completely hate me, and I'll be stuck in misery the rest of the summer. Yes. That's just what I wanted.

Of course, I'm the one who helped Katrina piss all the money away this summer. That doesn't keep me from being upset at life, as it is, right now.


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