At the bottom of the bottle

I was talking to my relief society president today, and the topic came up that a lot of the girls in our relief society are depressed. This felt odd to me because I'm not depressed--whereas, I normally am and everybody else is typically stoked about life. Well, during our little discussion, we pin-pointed the reasoning why everyone is so sad: they lack close relationships with those around them.
In the Mormon culture, there is a tension in your early twenties that is only relieved if you find someone to marry and marry them. Any tension, obviously, can lead to depression. I think this is a big part of the problem in our R.S. Around this age, we get tired of relying on friends and realize that it's a husband we want--or should want. But the ironic part of this is the more we want it, the further away it seems.
There is a theory out there in the dating world of the Mormon (LDS) church that if you stop focusing on finding a life partner, life will bring him about before you know it--he'll come when you're looking in the other direction. I am a firm believer in this idea. It's actually worked for me before, believe it or not. It hasn't worked for me this year, though I've given up men for the year; but I've come to the realization that 2011 isn't going to be a very manly year for me.
So, what I'm saying, or suggesting, is that our ladies find a focus elsewhere in their lives. They should make friends, whether it be with their roommates or random people in classes. Fill that empty boyfriend hole with a new friend. Because desperation is like men's kryptonite.
I mean, I haven't had a boyfriend for a few months, now; but I'm loving life, anyway. This is because I have my sister next door who I'm very close to, as well as all the lady friends I've made this semester. I never have girl friends; but now I'm realizing how important--and supportive--those girl friends can be. They'll eat ice cream with you while you watch that sappy girly movie you're too embarrassed to admit you like to the guys. If you find a good girl friend, she'll be honest with you on most things: your outfit, your hair, the dirtbag you're obsessing over, etc. And you're all girls, so you could even get down to the nitty gritty and discuss what's going on with each others' bodies (you can't deny that you've done this before with a girl friend).
All in all, ladies, we don't necessarily need men to make us happy. Don't get depressed just because you can't find a guy who likes you and treats you nice. Just make a few good girl friends, embrace the awkward femininity in it all, and forget men ever existed (except when you're cruising Google photos for hot celebs...then, go right ahead and acknowledge the beauty that is man ;)).


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