We are young!

So, boyfriend #2 of this year officially broke up with me a couple of days ago. I'm not sure that I've mentioned this before; but before this year, I had never been broken up with before. I've broken up with all of my past boyfriends except for the two I've had this year. I don't know if you're catching it, but there seems to be a relationship pattern for me in 2011.
My initial response to this pattern--once I began to acknowledge it--was to completely shut down. "I'm not looking at another boy again." "Screw men, they're dumb." "Mormon men don't like me, so I might as well wait until I can find a good non-member or something." Pretty much the attitude I have at first.
But, then, I look around. There are far too many hot men out there for me to simply ignore and go on with my life without. I must say, Pat Benatar had a point when she sang that love is a battlefield. It really, truly is. You're going to get hurt. It sucks, I know. But the point of it is that you find it--that you find the real thing--eventually.


So, what am I going to do, now? Get back up on that horse. Dust myself off. And then ask the universe if that's the best they've got.


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