
I'm slightly impressed with the impact cutting my hair short has had on my image of myself.
Ever since I moved out from under my parents' roof, I've been cutting, styling, and coloring my hair differently, depending on my mood. The problem with that is that lately, I've been a little here and there about everything. Ever since I broke up with my fiance and decided to find myself and love, I've been a little lost. As a result, my hair has suffered as well.
Right now, I look like a long-haired boy. Despite my feminine features, I still have a hard time making myself look presentable and, well, pretty. It's terrible. I sometimes look in the mirror and wonder why I did this to myself; but then I'll remember: I was hurting when I got this haircut. I tend to do stupid things whenever I'm hurting. I guess everybody does.
So, I suppose the lesson I've learned from this whole experience is to never again change my appearance drastically while I'm in the emotionally-healing process. It will always turn out bad, no matter how good of an idea it may seem.


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