The rest of me.

I saw the movie '27 Dresses' a few years ago when it first came out and absolutely loved it. Until tonight, I didn't remember why I had liked it so much. I just remember saying after watching the movie, "Woah, that had to be the best chick flick I've ever seen." Now, I remember why I loved it so much: I could relate to it.
Watching that movie tonight opened old wounds that aren't even supposed to be there anymore. It's like I have certain spots on my emotional skin that I forget about until they're touched once more, and I remember.
This particular sore spot is the same one that's been sore since I first got out to college and decided I was hopelessly in love with some returned missionary. I was friends with this guy and hung out with him a few times, but he never really understood what I felt toward him. Next thing I knew he was engaged and then married. My heart was absolutely shattered. I suppose it's still working on the healing process--seeing as I had to make an emergency corn dog and Pepsi run once I got home from my day with my boyfriend. I suppose I'm one who could definitely say that unrequited love dies hard. I wish I could kick this guy out of my memory...


  1. The same thing happened to me last year. It does die hard. But hey, the best parts of life are a little like a chick flick--the squeal-worthy happy ending comes because it was so dang tough to get there. :)

  2. Still haven't seen the squeal-worthy happy ending, unfortunately. I have hope that it will arrive eventually. I probably do have a few more years to go for that, though.


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