Living on a prayer.

I've been getting bladder infections like crazy for the past 5 or 6 months. It's been hell. I'm pretty sure I've passed a couple of small kidney stones during that time, as well. Why do I mention such an intimate detail of my life on the internet? Oddly enough, I've learned a couple of gospel principles from this experience.
I've gone to a couple of different doctors during this time period: on-campus docs and off-campus docs. Allow me compare what each said about my issue. Campus doctors would make slightly snide comments about how this is a problem married women have and then would proceed to beat around the bush at asking me if I'm sexually active. No, dickheads, I haven't ever had sex in my life. Happy?
The off-campus doctors were much nicer and much more understanding. Sure, they asked if I was sexually active, but it wasn't insanely awkward for them. They would then proceed to tell me to drink lots of water and cranberry juice, tell me how often to take my pills and whether or not to have yogurt, then they would invite me back in case this problem ever occurs again. Cordial, pleasant--especially when I'm writhing in pain and running a high temperature.

So, what have I learned from this?
I've been feeling it coming again, and I've been fighting it by drinking a lot and OD'ing on vitamin C. Nevertheless, I could still feel it. So, I got pissed. What can I do to kick this? I don't want to be paying doctor bills for the whole rest of the year--the whole rest of my damn life! So, I did what I didn't think I would do: I asked Katrina to call her...friend up and ask him if he would bring a friend over to give me a blessing. I've been religious on and off within the past couple of months, but I had never thought to ask for a blessing.
The guy showed up with my awkward home teachers (one who stares and one who has the spirit so strong with him all the time that I start to cry almost every time he's around...pathetic, I know). They gave me a blessing. My kidney pain went almost immediately away. I've had to pee, but it hasn't sent me running to the bathroom peeing my pants. It doesn't burn.
God is teaching me a lesson--a beautiful one. One I've never been taught. Take care of your temples. This sickness has forced me to look closer at my body and figure it out a little better. It's forced me to be cleaner--cleaner than I was before, and I'm a freaking clean freak (like that? freaking clean freak?)! It's also taught me to value my health. Value being able to just pee and not pee everywhere. Value being able to laugh at myself (just did! Ha!). I think the most important thing to learn in God's perspective, though, is how important it is to keep a clean body. You can't help Him or do His work while you're laying around feeling like crap. I have to have faith that He'll help me keep myself healthy so that I can help Him do His work here in Rexburg. Kind of a give and take thing, only more giving than taking for me.
I am blessed with having good people around me who keep good thoughts in my head. Katrina has the most influence on me. Thank goodness it's a good one, otherwise we would both be screwed. I guess I'm trying to say that I would not have figured this out without the environment that Katrina tries every day to nail in my head and pour into concrete around me. She's a cool kid and a good sister. A better younger sister than I've ever been as an older sister. Sigh.


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