Sunday appropriate.

There is one phrase in the LDS church that grates on my nerves more than any other (and there are a lot out there): Sunday appropriate. It is the epitome of how hypocritical our church can be: asking if a certain activity or movie is Sunday appropriate. If it isn't Sunday appropriate, why would you do it any other day of the week...unless you're a Sunday Mormon?
I know we're supposed to keep the Sabbath day holy; but we're also supposed to be keeping ourselves holy all the time. So why ask if something is Sunday appropriate? Why not just ask if something is appropriate? Why live a double standard--it just complicates life.
I'm not saying that I'm a saint all the time--no friggin way. I don't change my behavior just for Sunday, though. I keep doing what I always do: I'll go to church and show my respect and fear of God, but I'll also go home and enjoy my day, watch a little Supernatural, take a nap, joke with Katrina. I don't ask if Supernatural is Sunday appropriate because I don't care. I try not to be hypocritical (unless there's a specific situation in which I would find being hypocritical ironic, then I do so. But that's another blog); nevertheless, we always slip. What I'm trying to say is that I don't go around questioning the things I do and fearing the opinions of those around me because I'm afraid of what people will say. Which is what this all stems down from.
When we're alone, we don't ask ourselves if it's Sunday appropriate. No, we only ask that if we're thinking of inviting some friends over to do the activity with us. Think about that with your numb little brains. I have a point, don't I?
So, from now on, think before you decide whether something's "Sunday appropriate" or not.


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