Round and round we go.

Fictionist. They're a band from Provo, UT who absolutely rock: excellent guitars, very talented bass/voice, wicked keyboard, and a drummer who doesn't stop. Their music is very fluid and bouncy--easy to dance to in some songs, while quiet and resounding in others. It's obvious that the band members enjoy playing, especially together; it's fun to watch one of the guitarists' hair bounce when he really gets into his solo.
They are a very good live band. They interact with the audience, and they enjoy simply jamming out for a few minutes. When I listen to them live, it's like the most pleasant sound explosion has gone off onstage--for about half an hour.
They are definitely worth going to see whenever you have the chance. I'm excited for more people to hear their music and latch on to their fan base as I have. Please check them out here and here. And vote for their shot at getting on the cover of the Rolling Stone here.


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