
I'm always hearing people talk about what they deserve, or what they feel their friends deserve. There's one thing I've learned about myself and everyone else in this life: NO ONE DESERVES ANYTHING.
You think you're special? You think you've earned it? Guess again. There are people and gods out there who have done much bigger and better things than you could ever do. You could never be better; and therefore, you could never truly deserve anything.
Take love, for instance. Everyone thinks they'll find someone. Everyone thinks they should have someone. Many people even believe they deserve someone. So, then, tell me: you're demanding love...for what in return? You're already in proverbial debt above your damn head--what else is there to give? YOU HAVE NOTHING ELSE TO GIVE. Wake up. Love is given by the grace--the generosity--of God. Everything is given you only by His will and generosity.
So, never think you've done something on your own. And never think you deserve something because the truth has it that you're nothing but the scum of the earth at the end of the day. Sorry.


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