An attitude I have beef with:

I listen to a lot of guys in the LDS faith talk about their counter parts: women. They talk like women are a level above them in perfection and have things easier than them in the spiritual side of life. I listen to all of this, then I look at myself, and I realize that these men are all lying brown-nosers.
Women are most definitely not above men in any form or shape or idea or shade. We both have our own pluses and minuses. I will not go into detail about this, seeing as it's a touchy subject for all; and trying to lump all women together is a horrible stereotype (just like lumping all men together is equally horrible).
We are all individuals: we are all different than the next person. There may be some who are very similar to one another; but no two persons are exactly alike. With this fact in mind, think of how some women are more masculine and some men are more feminine. On that same level, some men completely blow everyone else out of the water when it comes to spirituality. The same occurs with women. There are also men who suck at life and are lazy in the gospel--learning, seeking, teaching, and serving--and the same goes for women.
So all those reading this thinking that they're either the superior or the inferior gender, get real. I, as a woman, am not better than a man standing next to me simply because he is a man. Neither am I inferior to him (oh, hell no). So, don't tell me that I'm better because I'll throw it right back in your face. I'm crappy in certain aspects of life just like everyone else. Welcome to life, everybody!


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