To hide the broken parts

Two thoughts today: the first one is an idea of pure genius, so please bear with the dream talk. Last night, I had a dream that my roommates and I were living in Paris, in this upscale apartment that was huge. The largeness was not what made it upscale, though. We each had our own bathrooms and any time we wanted to, we could pull a lever and a pulley would move the bathroom up to these large windows above the living area, which looked over different sights of Paris. So, I could check out the Paris skyline while I was bathing or getting ready for the day. It was awesome. I don't know how my mind thought of that, but I want it.

Second thought, not so crazy. In sacrament meeting yesterday, our stake president got up and was talking about the word of God. He said that Jesus called Himself the Word. He then defined what a word is: it is an expression. So, therefore, Jesus was an expression of God. We're attempting to be just a little like Jesus, so we should attempt to be an expression of God. Very interesting thought.
As a side note, I hate it when the stake president thinks he should give a talk on fast Sunday or when he thinks it's ok to take over the Sunday school class. This is one of my bigger pet peeves in the church. If he's going to sit with the congregation (in Sunday school), then keep it to one- or two-sentence answers.


  1. Good thoughts! I want a magic Paris bathroom, too!


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