Game on

Ok, listen up, gamers. The vast majority of you are male. Or you're nasty. Or both. But your nastiness is not the point of my blog. The point of my blog is one question: what exactly is your focus in life?
Most men look forward to finding a woman to have a family with--or at least just a girlfriend to make out with. And I understand that a lot of gamer guys would like a girlfriend--or, at least, that's evident in their stereotypes in movies.
But there's something different about the gamer guys here at BYU-Idaho. They don't seem to care about--or even acknowledge--the female gender. For some reason, a lot of single men out here choose to be more diligent in seeking a quest in their games than seeking a date for Friday night. Do they not realize that, once you put a ring on our finger, we become so much more sexy than the robo-girl on their screen? I mean, you can actually touch us, guys. We're real, you know; and a lot of us crave your attention...well, once you put down the controller, that is.
I have a theory to this...obstruction to the dating scene: it's quiet rebellion. We get the message pounded into our skulls daily that we should be seeking a marriage companion and that we should be dating like fiends. In my mind, guys who game obsessively are attempting to escape this pressure, or more, rebel against it. I mean, the need to marry does come naturally within us. Why does it have to be pounded into our heads all the time? They think we're stupid, right? They think that, because we're young, we don't have the right amount of judgment within our own minuscule brains to make the choice on whether or not to get married.
Ok, back to planet earth. This decision is our own, and you can't escape it playing your brain out with video games. I know you want a girlfriend. Every guy does. If he doesn't, he's either gay or too weird to reproduce, anyway.
So, here's your hint: put down all manner of brain-washing material--whether it's in your own mind or on your tv screen--and come out and play. Let me tell you a little secret: girls don't really like that guys play video games so, maybe it's time to move on from that plane and onto another. Trust me, we don't bite...too hard.


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