I'm a creep. I'm a weirdo.

It's funny how one 5-second instance in my life can inspire me to write an entire story--one I hope to publish once it's finished. I don't plan on sharing the plot with you. Not, yet, anyway. I do want to share a paragraph with you:

I wake earlier than usual. I roll onto my back from my comfortable side position and find myself thinking of the man I don’t even know. The angel. I have to find him. How does one hunt an angel? I frown at the ceiling and feel silly for calling him an angel. He was beautiful, and staring at him was like staring at the sun; but that didn’t make him a messenger or warrior of God. I’m sure he’s just a normal guy—a normal guy who wears tight, black pants; green plaid shirts; and an ebony Mohawk. I’m in love.

Sounds intriguing? Please, ask me about it. Give me some feedback--both good and bad, please. This one will be more girly than the others...but it has a dark twist at the end, so I hope that will cater to the more manly part of my audience--and I do hope to have a manly audience. I want to know if they're shaking their heads or nodding their heads at the end!

P.S. I have a tentative playlist going for this story already. It's awesome.


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