I really should stay in bed 24/7. (!)...(?)

Lately, my lips have been incredibly chapped. And seeing as I have nothing else in my day to occupy my mind with, I constantly obsess over how to make them not chapped. I haven't been successful in my quest, so far.
Today, I was researching this dilemma on Google--curious where the search would point me. As I made a list in my head of steps I should take to bring moisture back into my less-than-moist smile, I started to wonder why on earth I obsess over little things like this.
And I know it's not just me--everyone does it. This is how we get caught up in ourselves and our lives. We focus on the tiny details of every day life, whether there's a tear in our hose or our hair is doing something weird or our lips are inexplicably constantly chapped--we're too busy fussing over our reflection to turn around and find something in the world that is more pressing to worry about. You know, like political crap...stuff that's happening in the world...putting together an impressive (looking) portfolio so your bum ass can finally find a job. You know. Important crap.
So, I need to work on this, as well. I need to read the news--become depressed about stupid things stupid people do to each other. At least I know it's happening, right? Right? Because I need to know...for some reason.
Anyway, I think I'm making my point and then crushing it in dripping satirical language--not on purpose, mind you. I'm not that smart. I'm a flaming imbecile, actually. I don't know how I live with myself. No, all this just flows from my half-functional brain to my fingertips through the keys of this God-have-mercy-on-me laptop and consequently recklessly thrown out into the endless pit of information we call the internet. And you've found this piece of ignorance. Good for you.
Well, sorry for the mind numbing banter you've just witnessed. I hope it's at least brought a chuckle to your throat and a smile to your face because that's all it's good for. Have a good day.


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