Oh, the stairs.

I am a very interesting person to observe from the inside workings of my brain from day to day. I'm pretty constant in my emotional state (usually angry or annoyed) unless a love interest is introduced. For some reason, when a man is involved, I freak out. I shut down. It's horrible.
For example, my brain is currently wrapped around one guy in particular. I know I like him, but I'm never certain that he likes me back. Typical, yes. But then, the plot thickens: he has...complications (?) with another girl. Technically, he is single, though.
So, I go from day to day being completely bipolar about this guy. One day, I miss him every second he's not with me--which is usually all day. The next day, I'm beating myself up for thinking I could stick my nose in his drama and distract him from said complicated situation. Here are a couple of kickers, though: once more, I'm not positive that he's even interested, for he never shows any evidence of possible interest.
And I do this all to myself. And I'm crazy. But, for some reason, I still want him.

This, people, is why I should just give up on romance. That's that. Just throw in the towel and post my facebook status as 'permanent bachelorette'. That would bring my mind so much more peace.


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