Social Mounting

Tonight, my sister and I had an odd experience. We were minding our own business in the comfort of my living room, when someone knocked on the door. What's natural to do when someone knocks on the door? Well, for me, it's to yell, "WHAT," while not getting up to answer the door. But my sister, being the angel she is, got up to get the door. Some guy was there, asking if we wanted to play a game with him. This is fairly typical for BYU-Idaho. We don't drink, so we're kind of bored all the time.
So, we invited him in and he taught us a game that we had never played before, which made us laugh a lot (we like to laugh a lot). But, then, he started to think of more games to play. By now, I'm sitting here thinking, "Who the hell is this guy?" Nevertheless, we played on.
Well, after about fifteen minutes, his little games got tiring; so we all started talking and getting to know each other. This was the beginning of the end. For my sister, anyway. By the end of the night, the guy had gotten her number and asked her out on a date, to which she gave a reluctant affirmative.

About an hour after he left, we got to talking about the social pressure around the BYU-I campus between guys and girls. Around here, it seems like the only time we ever interact is when we want to hook-up. I declare, this is sad. I also declare this as social mounting: when a guy only talks to a girl to hook-up with her.
Come on, guys, does it always have to be about romance or sex? Can't we just be friends and hang out because we enjoy each others' company? Ah, hell.


  1. you know your right and wrong the world isnt perfect people are not perfect and shouldn't your best friend be the on you love? i have to say in my opinion and personal experience that it never goes that way. i might be jaded by what happened to me and my fiance because she believed that guys and girls can be friends. it ruined our relationship(of almost 7 years and 3 kids) because of her "friends". and as for me i have a hard time being friends with people of the opposite sex because it just turns into lusting. my opinion nobody else's take it or leave it

  2. Yeah, but, see, you're kinda proving my point--guys have a hard time making friends with girls. It always turns into something else. It's very frustrating for me because I'm one of those girls who believes that friendship should be allowed between sexes. It shouldn't always be about sex!

  3. ill get back to you on this in the morning. this is going to be an epic debate i think lol

  4. does it all ways have to be about sex tho? what if its something else? maybe sex is just a plus?!? i mean if your going to be friends with some one why wouldn't there be some sort of attraction.isnt there all ways some sort of attraction??????

    ive had a few beers. just being honest.


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