Flirting Fatigue

I see people flirting every day on campus, which is normal for people my age. Hell, it's normal for people any age. And I've noticed that, no matter what you're marital status is, there still has to be flirting involved--whether it's with your boyfriend or your fiance or your husband. So, essentially, we spend our lives flirting and catching the attention of the opposite gender.
What I'm asking is: Don't you people ever get tired of always trying to impress, or always joking around? Don't you ever get tired of coming up with some dumbass witty reply that means nothing? Is this romance or is this childhood relived?
The other day, my fiance was trying to flirt with me via text; and I got so frustrated on the monotony that my stomach literally turned and I stopped texting him. Why? Because it's the same thing over and over. You know what every reply--every word--will be; and you know we'll both giggle to ourselves thinking we're being so very clever, when in fact the same lines have been said millions of times throughout the existence of civilization.
So, what? Why do I care? Why should you care? WE NEED SOME ORIGINALITY, PEOPLE. Stop grinding along in that oh-so-comfortable rut. Stop thinking you're so clever because you're not. Seriously, don't you ever get tired of doing this over and over again? Seriously?


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