Awkward Facebookness

I find it weird that, these days, it isn't the awkward first phone call we have to worry about, it's the awkward friend invite from Facebook. I mean, just a few years ago, I would still compulsively check my phone over and over, waiting for that call I wanted so badly to come. Today, though, I'm sitting in front of the computer wondering whether or not I should add the guy I was just flirting with.
Let me tell you about this: I never go to FHE (a church event every Monday night, for all those non-Mormons out there) group events. I generally do not condone them. But tonight, I went because there was going to be Italian soda and hopefully a little bit of talent on stage (it was a talent show). So, I went and sat in a corner on my own while sipping at my soda and sneering at the horrible "talent". I began to realize that this night was going to suck like every other when this guy comes and asks if he can sit next to me. What am I going to say? I'll say yes! So we talk talk talked it up and clapped for the horror on stage. By the end of the night, he was asking if he could stop by my apartment sometime. We didn't exchange phone numbers.
So what do I do? I cyberstalk him on Facebook and wonder if it will be weird if I electronically confess that I'm stalking him by adding him. Meh.
I do wonder when this all began, though. When did it start getting awkward to add someone you just met on Facebook? Why is it so awkward?


  1. It feels weird commenting on a post that is old and out of date but whatever, I'm almost caught up to date on this thing.

    When put in situations like this I'd say just friggin' do it. Caring too much about what people think makes 'normal' things seem awkward. You never will know what happens unless you actually do it, you're silly.


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