Just don't let go

This is going to sound nerdy, but I just found inspiration from a Harry Potter book--the sixth, when Dumbledore and Harry are learning about Voldemort's past. It is mentioned that Harry is more powerful then Voldemort because he is capable of love. It's also hinted that Voldemort is less human because he's incapable of love.
Mulling over this at this juncture in my life has left me curious. No one can deny that love is a powerful force. It's often the driving force that brings people through hard times in life such as fights, financial trouble, differences in backgrounds, children, and even language or physical barriers. It isn't so much the strength of the individual, but the strength of the love shared by friends and family. Alone, an individual often becomes self-destructive and slightly inhuman, especially when they haven't had the touch of love in their life for quite some time.
I am someone who is highly motivated by love. My emotional instability often blocks me from this need because I tend to push people away when I most need to be loved. I tend to break my own heart quite often.
But I also enjoy giving my love, even if I have suspicions that my love won't be received well. I have many theories on life, and one of those is that there is never enough love in the world. Of course, I'm not just talking about romantic love--I'm mostly referring to platonic love shared by strangers: the person who holds a door open for the person behind them, someone who makes eye contact with everyone, that person who will smile that random strangers in hopes to brighten their days. Everyone is so suspicious of one another these days that it's hard to show love without getting a side-ways glance reflecting some accusatory emotion. It's quite sad because we need each other for survival. In our minds, that fact is ironic, but the truth is that it's chemistry. That's how human brains have always worked. In a way, it's what helps us all from dying off due to a lack of reproduction. But it also recedes the piercing loneliness that can ring in one's ears like a deafening silence.
I've dealt with a lot of loneliness. For some reason, I've always had difficulty making and keeping friends. I reckon it's because my brain has always ticked out a different rhythm  than everybody else. I may scare people a bit because I'm a piece of unknown, and it almost burns to touch something that takes too much brain work to get around. I think I tend to disarm people with my innocently open, complete honesty, as well. People assume these days that everybody else is lying: another sad fact.
I'm not sure what I'm getting at with all this except that love is beautiful and that we should all try to take part in it as often as possible. And I'm not even suggesting at having love sent my way. Hell knows I'm still smarting from my last fall. I guess I'm just saying that we should try to be more kind and mindful of each other. That's all.


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