Clever trick

Two hearts
Stitched together
Not by threads, but by
Clots, angry
Fiery clots
Inhale: one beat, shared
Exhale: another, and you can
Feel me
Screaming, dying
These clots are aching
They are what makes life
They are life
They’re golden and violet
Pink and deep red
Every color in the spectrum—
Even those not seen by our eyes
Our human eyes
They are the color in the gleam
Of my taillights
As I leave
They are the color of your headlights
As you find me
Lost in asphyxia
Lost in the green gleam
These clots are the solemn,
Gloomy beats of a bass drum
The frustrated
Of the snare
The exhilarated, keen
Rush of each cymbal
 The quick tapping of my fingers
On a bar
 In the heart of this dark city
Waiting for you
Close your eyes—
Your dream came true
Two hearts bound by
These rotting, ugly
Acknowledged merely
By time and space
Close your eyes
Feel my rhythm
Set your palm to your chest
And make that dark realization
That your rhythm
And my rhythm
Are no different
Calm, steady, unfearing
Bright white life
Pumped into our bodies simultaneously

The broken dream
That you dared to dream
Is now my broken
Yet the inspiration
That you milked into me
Has now been recorded
And lives on in a poem
This poem of absence
Beautiful absence.


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