I never meant to brag

He is the most dangerous
And interesting species on planet earth
A fine-tuned combination of fish and spider
Some might say he’s a monster
Some might say he’s a rebirth
Of something ancient
And quiet

He spins the web
The web that we all know
That intricate web of beauty
And deceit
And malice

But it’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen
Something that causes awe
A twinkle in my eye
An ever twisting knife in my heart

I am that fly
Whose gorgeous wings flutter maniacally
Feet and arms trapped in the
Glowing, tumultuous haze
That has caught me off guard
And led me down the path toward death

It’s a death that I’m torn about
My wings tell me that I can fly
I can fly far from this place,
Away from any other webs
And live the happy disgusting life of a fly
But at the same time
I like the touch of this web on my furry legs
The way it shines against my dark and dull body
How the iridescence of it makes my eyes shine
And yet, it brings me closer to my

His mouth is filled with sharp objects
They click when he speaks
A symphony of peace and war
The writer unwritten
The man who is a contradiction to himself
In every possible way

This confuses and distracts his prey
For they don’t know which side to believe
Is it the peace that he loves?
Or is it the death that he brings?
That clicking drums through my little fly head
Misunderstanding his language
Misunderstanding his actions
Perhaps he’s moving toward me to eat me
Or embrace me
Nature would say the former
But that’s not what the fly likes to believe
So she’ll sit and wait for the unnatural embrace

As poison sinks slowly through
The veins that will soon
Feel nothing more than
The dull throbbing of a heart
That will soon forget to beat


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