Virginia's Cooking Corner! (Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid)

Ok, so this will be a different styled blog because I've decided to share my progress with cooking this Fall. I've found quite a bit of Halloween/Fall-inspired recipes I'm dying to try; so I'll be sharing with you each one I try and post pictures of my results.
So, here goes the first one:

I decided to try this soup recipe tonight. It was a cool day, which turned into a cold night; so I decided it was a good soup night. I loosely followed the recipe: it has all the same ingredients, but I didn't really pay attention to proportions. One thing I did differ from the recipe is I added bits of bacon to the soup and boiled it in along with topped the soup with the stuff. Here's a picture of how it looks on the stove:

It definitely looks like a witch's brew! A delicious witches brew! This soup has the best balance of vegetable taste and meat taste. Just enough salty flavor. As far as I'm concerned, this soup was a success. I'm proud of myself. We'll see how Katrina feels once she's tried it.


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