Oh, darling...

I'm finally in the rhythm of a new semester. This means that the stress level is a little lower (though, still much higher than it was in the summer) and I'm breathing a little easier. I'm finding that I have a bit of time for a social life.
But, anyway, this blog isn't about me socializing. It's actually about me complaining to myself about how much I'm supposed to read for these classes.
I have this teacher, who I've taken a class from before, who is very inspiring and open-minded. She could be seen as controversial to some of the more conservative students at BYU-Idaho; but I find her quite fascinating. The first class I went to this semester, she already had me thinking. She told the class that everyone can be awake, you just have to choose to be awake.
She also always assigns thought-provoking readings. Apparently, I had forgotten this through my stress earlier because I sat and looked at the 10-page article she had given us to read and felt like crying (I have a lot of other things to read tonight, too). But, then, I started reading it, and I felt horrible for thinking that this kind of reading could possibly be watered down for the sake of a lazy student.
And then, my mind took this a step further as I realized that this is really how life is: we wouldn't mind if life was watered down a little for us so that it could be easier to swallow. I know I've felt like this before. Why isn't life easier? Why can't we just float on through?
Ha! Just think about how boring life would be if all of our problems just left us suddenly. Sure, we'd have fun for a little while; but then, we'd find that life would be completely meaningless. None of us would have proved anything about ourselves or our lives. Nothing would have been important.

I hope this all has made sense. For the past few days, I've felt like I just can't get enough sleep, anymore. So, I'm a little loopy and crazy with my words.


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