That's how it should be.

One of my professors recently said something that got me thinking: the only thing that really sets us apart from animals is the fact that we care. Sure, we have other things that make us unique to the rest of the animal kingdom, but this professor had a point.
We dream, we love. We learn and grow. We hurt, we weep. We are interesting creatures because every single one of us is different from the other. And we have different impacts on all different individuals. We can seem awkward or patronizing to one person, but we can seem perfectly agreeable or even hilarious to another. It's an odd life we lead.
Walking on my way home from class, I was wondering what I would do with such a revelation: our feelings set us apart from animals. It definitely brought my hippie out in me (the hippie comes out to play a lot these days). It made me realize that that's what I love about us. We can be really ignorant when we put our minds to it; but the way we feel. That's what really ties us together as human beings. If we see someone else crying, we feel like crying because we feel their pain--or we laugh because they just fell. When we see someone who's really excited, it's really infectious and we have to play along as if our day is going just as well. We're weird and we're funny. We're kooky. We dance in the living room at night because we're overly-stressed. And we giggle at each other!
We're beautiful, and we spend so much time hating ourselves and each other. We never spend too much time really loving ourselves and how we are as people--human beings.


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