I once knew a girl in the years of my youth...

Halloween. There's something romantic, beautiful and mysterious about Halloween that always pulls me in and intoxicates me. I always loved it as a kid--dressing up and getting free candy as I ran around like a monster on crack. I have some fantastic Halloween memories. I have Halloween memories that trump all of my Christmas memories. The spookiness, the silliness, the kookiness of it all is what drives me to claim that Halloween is, indeed, my favorite holiday.
This year, I'm planning a lot of exciting things for my friends and me: I have recipes that I'm planning on trying out and parties that I'm planning obsessively. I'll have candy--free to the public--on my table all month, as I do every year.
I have so much Halloween spirit, that I usually make my roommates sick, bless them; but I also like to try to convert people over to my fanaticism for this holiday. So, beware, friends. I will be sickening, and I will be on the hunt!
I will also probably be putting up little Halloween tidbits in the future--stuff about decorating, pumpkin carving, and cooking/baking. So, keep an eye out!

And, now, to conclude, I unveil my motto for this season: EAT, DRINK, AND BE SCARY!!!


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