Don't Stand So, Don't Stand So

He loved me with all that he was.
I came down hard on his head—both feet.
Free fall.
Sadness and disease filled my lungs
As the world collapsed around my ankles
And shone in a brilliant cascade
Of death and solitude.
Everyone cried.
Everyone cried.
He loved me with all that he was.
And I always stood in his shadow.
Everything was his shadow.
I could never be him.
I never wanted to be him.

Still, he loved me with all that he was.
As I stood over his lifeless body
Wondering what had gone so wrong
Chaos had ruined me
The disease, in those days,
Was quite prominent.
I hated mirrors; he was in my eyes.
Everyone cried.
The world deteriorated on my brow.
I watched children die
In each other’s arms
Mothers forgotten
Fathers fled
And I began to realize the twisted beauty of mankind.

He loved me with all that he was.
His ghost lies within the Queen.
Her eyes hollow, haunted, and gaunt.
He must have surprised her.
I recovered from my surprise quickly
As feeling swept back into my arms
He still loved me with all that he was
Before I died
My face now a gnarled reflection
Of its innocence
I hated mirrors

He watched me breathe
He watched me lie
He watched me collapse

Yet, he still loved me with all that he was.


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