Love Carpe Diem

I've realized recently that I've come out of all this muck with a completely different view on love. I mean, I felt a glint of it before, but now it's here and it's concrete in my mind. I've become so much more free-flowing with love: it happens when it happens. You don't put a deadline or a start time on attraction and togetherness; it just happens. From what I've observed, many people do this. These people I lose patience with quite quickly because it isn't how love works. It's like God--you work on its timetable rather than your own, or you are frequently met with several missed opportunities.
It's the carpe diem speaking within me, I suppose; but carpe diem does have a point. You never know when you'll die or when the other party will lose patience and change their mind. If you feel it now, why not express it now? Why suppress yourself over and over again, just to be let down later because of the suppression? It makes no sense; yet, people do this every day, all the time.
I know I sound crazy; but I promise I am not. Think about it. This is the most logical thing you've heard in a while. As Dashboard Confessional put it, "Don't wait..your lives will flash, then fade away. Your days will pass you by--Don't wait."


  1. so in short "life is like a box a chocolates" you never know what your going to get.

    enjoy it while you got it.. :)

    another good one to ponder over. thanks


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