
So, I was thinking on Sunday--during Sunday school, when I should have been listening--about fencing. I took a fencing class a year ago, which I loved; but there was this one kid who always ticked me off when I fenced him--or just watching him fence ticked me off. I had to think for a second why this was: was it because he was too good? No. Was it because he was aggressive enough to beat me every time? Nope.
Then I realized that he annoyed me because he would use his full arm while fencing. In fencing, that's a big no-no: you're supposed to put all your power behind your body and into your wrist. Fencing is a sport of suppressed and controlled power. This guy didn't suppress or control anything--he would just swing away as if he were a pirate or something.
That, then, made me think about life: how can swinging with your full arm get you into trouble? I'll tell you how. If you don't care enough about the precision of your point, your life could go in any direction--be it a good or bad one. Some people prefer this, but I must say that I don't. I would like to think that I use my wrist in precise strokes while making decisions that will change my life--hopefully for the better. I've had moments in my life where I've felt as if I was using my entire arm--flailing--and I always ended up somewhere where I had to ask myself, "How on earth did I get here and how do I get out?" I hate being in that place, naturally; so I conclude that I will always try to use my wrist and be decisive and concrete about my decisions.


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