I love you.

Wow, it's been a while. I apologize to anyone who actually reads this thing.
I got some shocking news over the Christmas break (yes, I still have Christmas break...no, it's not lame) which was a little plan changing for this year. As the die-hard defeatist that I am, I certainly did not believe that I could fight this problem, however crappy it was for me to have to deal with. So, I started panicking and creating plans that kept falling through. In frustration and suggestion of a good friend, I went to my grandmother for help. At the time that I asked for help, I didn't think she could help me; but being the insane woman she is, she came out of the blue with something I hadn't even thought of.
As a side note, this is something my grandmother does quite a bit: come up with insane advice you didn't expect in the slightest. The reason I don't go to her often is I forget how good she is.
Anyway, she told me to fight it: push against the system. Tell them no and don't take no for an answer in return. So what did I do in response? I went home and started taking the first few steps to fight the up-hill battle that I was faced with; and this afternoon, I finished the process, putting the ball in the other party's court. I'm content, now, and haven't cried in the past 24 hours. Thanks to my grandma, of all people.
I'm telling you people: if in doubt, ask grandma. You never know what she'll say.


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