The greatest fan of your life.

Sometimes, I wonder if I should go into PR. Why? Because I look at people--at their talents--and I always feel that they are capable of their full potential. I like to believe that everyone is able to follow whatever dreams they have in order to reach that potential. As a PR person, I could help with that; although that's not really the point of this blog.
The point of this blog is this question: am I naive in thinking that anyone, if they wanted it badly enough, could reach their full potential in this world? I, personally, think that I am. Perhaps that's the pessimism speaking. I don't know; but I do know that I feel childish and overly romantic in believing what I do.
But then again, why is it such a hard thing to accept? Can anyone reach their full potential? We were told that as teenagers, graduating high school, that we were the future and that we could build more of the future by paving the way. How is this suddenly untrue, now that we've hit the real world? I suppose I'm babbling now; but answer me this:
Is it naive to believe that anyone could reach their full potential?


  1. No. Not believing in full potential is not believing in decline and that is just silly. I just contradicted myself for the truth, I never said this because I don't believe in decline. So yes, actually.


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