I'm yours.

I've found that I go through several stages of interest while (for lack of better word) courting a man:

Semi-Forced Denial: A method I use to avoid heart-break is semi-forced denial. This is when I tell myself obvious lies to make myself look the other way for a while. I often tell myself that he's not interested and that he smells like crap while in this state of mind. This stage often causes me to pull into the next stage.

Forced Disinterest: I spend a lot of time acting like I don't care who they are and what they're saying even though I'm listening to every word and have the hots for them. It's something I do to avoid seeming overly interested (another stage of mine) but also to avoid any manner of heart-break that could be involved. Regardless of this, I often manage to over-compensate by running face-first into the next stage.

Obsessive Thought Patterns: I will go back and forth in my mind, thinking about the last time I was with the most current love interest. His smell. His touch. His body heat. This stage often causes me to miss him quite a bit, and therefore text a lot--sending me into the next stage.

Overly Interested: During this stage, I will text obnoxiously often, waiting by the phone to wait for the next text just so I can bounce an answer straight back. I will obsess over why he hasn't texted back if he doesn't text back within 10 minutes and will worry about how often he thinks of me. This makes me an annoying emotional wreck that needs to be left alone in her room. This stage often pulls me into the next stage.

Suspicion: I begin to question things that he says and does. This is my cynical side's favorite stage. I'll wonder how many other women he talks to on a regular basis. I'll read a text or email over again to decide what he really meant when he said I was pretty. I worry that he despises me under his loving facade. At this point, the cycle will begin again, having met its end; and I will go through this vicious pattern once more.

Is this what normal girls do? I feel weird that I do these things...


  1. i would have to say its normal. all of them made me laugh cause its pretty much what i do haha. the last three most of all lol

  2. I'm glad to hear I'm at least a little normal. That is, unless you're weird, too. Oh, my.

  3. I, being the weirdest person I know, say this isn't weird.


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